Unlike most assassins, who prefer to snipe their targets from a distance, Thane prefers to get up close and kill his target personally, utilizing a mixture of stealth, firearms, hand-to-hand combat and biotic abilities. But by the end of his life, he discovered his true purpose. Only available at the Gaming Heads store, the Thane exclusive edition statue depicts him in prayer with head bowed. He is absent the first time Shepard visits the Citadel to visit Ashley/Kaidan in the hospital and to meet with the Council, but after Shepard rescues Primarch Victus from Menae and brings him aboard the Normandy, Thane will send Shepard an e-mail explaining he heard a rumor that the Normandy was docked at the Citadel, and he wants Shepard to come visit him at the hospital. After the remaining Cerberus forces have been routed, Shepard visits Thane in the hospital where doctors tell Shepard that due to his blood loss and his illness is in the final stages, there is nothing else they can do but to comfort him during his final moments. When you speak with him, he'll recognize Thane almost instantly, though he refers to him as Krios. [21] Joshua and Ita Irizarry, co-authors of "The Lord is My Shepard - Confronting Religion in the Mass Effect Trilogy" published as part of the Religion in Digital Games anthology publication, noted Thane's openly religious behaviour and expressed bemusement that the character is embraced as a fan favorite by Mass Effect fandom. He candidly reveals to Shepard during their first meeting that he is dying of Kepral's Syndrome, a genetic respiratory disease that will ultimately lead to lung failure, but willingly joins the suicide mission. Thane notes that while he has always striven to kill his targets as quickly and cleanly as possible, he took extra time with them. Garrus' romance is based on trust, and how much he has changed from being the idealistic renegade cop he was in 1. Should both Tali and Legion be chosen for your squad to fight the Oculus, and Kasumi hasn't been acquired, Thane will appear in their place on the engineering deck during the crash in the debris field. Thane appears in the hospital on the Citadel, and tells Shepard he is now in the terminal stages of his illness and cannot join Shepard in the fight against the Reapers. During the romance lock-in dialogue in Mass Effect 2, Thane speaks about Irikah, something he never shared with anyone until Shepard. Thane's name will be added to the Normandy SR-2's memorial wall on the Crew Deck area after his passing in either Mass Effect 2 or 3, alongside other crew members who have fallen. Guide him to where all hunters return, where all storms become still, where all stars show the path. The character is a drell, a race of extraterrestrial reptilian humanoids who form a sociopolitical alliance with the hanar, a species of jellyfish-like entities known for their strict adherence to polite speech and proper etiquette. The depiction of Thane's religious piety and spiritual outlook has been subject to analysis. His memories of Irikah blocking his scope came unbidden, but Thane pulled the trigger anyway. Liara also recommends Shepard to make use of her time with Thane rather than dwelling on it, and wishes the two happiness regardless. Standing approximately 47 cm tall (i.e. Siha, I'm afraid I've picked a bad time to leave. Eventually Irikah gave birth to their son, Kolyat, and Thane worked very hard to keep his work and his family life separate. After Thane dies, the letter from his Shadow Broker dossier will appear in Shepard's e-mail. If Shepard has begun a romance with another person, she may still say "you won't be alone for long" even if she also behaved romantically with Thane up until this point. In the Mass Effect 3: Citadel DLC, Shepard may hold a memorial service for Thane at their apartment. This was the case until he met his future wife, Irikah. He was unable to make the kill at the time, and for days he wandered aimlessly. It has been so long since he had someone that the thought of losing them concerns him. Thane occasionally loses himself reliving the perfect recall of some of his memories and can describe them in flawless detail. [31] Savage observed that "this isn't a fate experienced by many major game characters". [6] In gratitude to the hanar for saving them from extinction, the remnants of the drell people pledged their loyalty and service to the hanar as a client race, the two races establishing a symbiotic cultural relationship known as the Compact. Comparing player responses to Ashley and Thane, the authors surmised that unlike Ashley, "Thane never prompts the player to consider their (or Shepard's) views about religion". Kalahira, whose waves wear down stone and sand-- Kalahira, wash the sins from this one, and set him on the distant shore of the infinite spirit.”. For example, Thane assassinated Nassania Dantius on Ilium one evening, and he easily slipped past the Eclipse guards and dispatched Nassana with no trouble. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. A few centuries before the events of the original Mass Effect trilogy, the hanar evacuated a portion of the drell species from their dying homeworld Rakhana and transported them to Kahje. Thane tossed the coin Irikah gave him into the sea, vowing to follow the path he's given to its conclusion. Mass Effect 2 Wiki Guide. The character is a drell, a race of extraterrestrial reptilian humanoids who form a sociopolitical alliance with the hanar, a species of jellyfish-like entities known for their strict adherence to polite speech and proper etiquette. He thought freedom would mean exactly as is, but as it turned out he felt a mixture of elation and uncertainty. Thane’s final act was a Prayer asking Kalahira to forgive Shepard’s sins and provide guidance. He spent much time being molded into what the hanar needed him to be, often in the middle of demanding exercises like standing barechested on one foot on a pole with waves crashing all around. Later, Thane manages to sneak behind Kai Leng, the assassin sent to kill the salarian councilor. The morning after the party while the rest of the crew starts boarding the Normandy, Shepard continues to look out at the ship from the Docking Bay. Pressly was the first person Shepard can choose to talk to in the first game. Thane was the first Mass Effect 2 squadmate to be revealed by BioWare in early 2009. In one of the trailers Thane was shown using "Pull field", but in game he doesn't have this power. Shepard: They told me it was impossible to get to Ilos, too. Gaming Heads proudly presents the Mass Effect™: Thane regular edition statue. One by one Thane hunted down the people responsible. No responsibilities, no fears. The target was still alive and managed to hurl final insults at him, and Thane put the man's words to the test. She expressed a view that another writer who identifies as being chronically ill would probably have created a space for Thane to exist without death, "to be disabled and kicking ass well into the end of the series", but is content that he represents a movements towards greater inclusivity and representation of minorities in a video game. Thane’s a … He is a highly skilled professional assassin who utilizes a mixture of stealth, firearms, hand-to-hand combat techniques, and biotic powers. In a forum post by Thane's writer Patrick Weekes, which is inaccessible after EA permanently shut down Bioware's forums on August 26, 2016,[15] he noted that, “in many ways, the description for Kepral’s Syndrome is similar to the real-life disease cystic fibrosis.”[3] Chris Hepler was Thane's writer for Mass Effect 3. If Thane has reconciled with Kolyat in Mass Effect 2, he will be present by his father's deathbed, and Thane asks him and Shepard to recite a prayer. ", According to early design notes and concept art made for Thane, his character was conceived as a cross between an exotic fish and a bird of paradise. He apologized for his actions and carried her off, offering a prayer to Kalahira to guide her through the dark and to show her how to live her life. Game: Mass Effect Series characters/pairing: Thane x Reader Disclaimer: Bioware owns all things associated with the Mass Effect series. If Shepard asks how Thane can reconcile his deep spirituality with a violent profession, he explains that the body and soul are seen as separate entities by his faith. No ship has ever returned from doing so. Days later, at the Illusive Man's sanctum, Thane's mugshot was already present on a dossier display of Shepard's prospective team. Kolyat's contracted target is a racist turian politician who extorts human rackets while promising to reduce crime in the Citadel Wards. Thane returned to Irikah with the news and wed her in short order. Thane's family allowed for him to be trained as part of the Compact, a debt of gratitude to the Hanar. By Louis Kemner Nov 13, 2020 Over the course of the Mass Effect games, Commander Shepard becomes the first human Spectre and goes on more than one quest to save the galaxy from doom. [18], Joe Skrebels from IGN was of the opinion that Thane's final appearance bears a resemblance to Abe Sapien from the Hellboy series.[20]. Before the suicide mission, Thane will go up to Shepard's cabin and tell her that before he was diagnosed with his disease, he had no fear of death. At a deserted alley Thane drew his knife on a slumped and weakened Rasa, utterly prepared to use it. [16], According to art director Derek Watts, Thane was the toughest Mass Effect 2 character to design. They contrasted Thane's positive reception as an unambiguously pious character to the broad negativity many players have shown towards human squadmate Ashley William's expressions of faith in the original Mass Effect. While he is glad for the chance he has had to redeem himself and to reconnect with his son, he confesses he is not at peace. Thane's outfit was made available for purchase via the Xbox LIVE Avatar Marketplace at a price of US $3.99. The player can talk to him a bit in the first game while exploring the Normandy, and he was a good man to have aboard the ship. With a picture of Thane and some flowers propped up on the ground floor's piano, Shepard gives the opening speech then some of the gathered people share their thoughts and memories of Thane. SPOILER: Since Thane has a terminal illness, why stop his death? It included multiple ties-in such as novels, comics and an animated movie. Thane Krios death in Mass Effect 3 was a powerful moment. Thane Krios is a drell assassin, rumored to be the most skilled in the galaxy. As it was, the hands shoving against his chest were a bit of a shock, and maybe the issue was with the gravity rather than the oxygen, because the room appeared to be spinning and he nearly landed on his ass. If neither Thane nor Kirrahe (who may serve as Thane's placeholder in the story arc) are alive, Kai Leng will be successful in his assassinating the salarian Councilor. Despite his illness, he could run, kick ass, shoot a gun, and keep up with Commander Shepard. Thane sneaked in and snapped the neck of one aggressor, sustaining a cut from another attacker in the act. He then says it was a good fight; Shepard smiles, saying it was a great fight. 1/4 scale), the Thane statue is carefully cast in polystone resin and hand-painted by artisans. Thane - Sins of the Father part 2. The primary intent of the mod is to provide players with the option to prevent Thane from engaging Ken Lame...er, Kai Leng...in the Priority: Citadel II mission (aka, “The Coup”). [11], Matt Cronn from Geeks Under Grace, an American pop culture website which publishes news, culture, reviews, and videos from a Christian perspective, examined some of the religious beliefs espoused by Thane within the context of commonly accepted Christian doctrine. Cronn found the prayer recited on Thane's deathbed to be very interesting as despite the fact that he was dying, Thane's primary concern was to absolve Shepard of the sins of their many kills, and asserted that "this is the kindness and concern for others that Christians should exemplify". The Thane in-game solely has a necklace. However, these attempts were considered to ruin his whole design. It is also noted that Thane was originally designed with three metal earrings on the ridge on the right side of his head, but these did not make it into his final model for Mass Effect 2 and were instead incorporated into Thane's alternate outfit in the, Thane may have been intended as a bisexual romance option, as indicated by. You own you. [18] His "balaclava-style" helmets tried to reflect his criminal background by imitating ski masks. To find a target, he prays to Amonkira, the lord of hunters; when defending another, he prays to Arashu, goddess of motherhood and protection; after taking a life, he prays to Kalahira, goddess of oceans and the afterlife. Thane says that once he had no reason to live, but suddenly had two: Shepard and Kolyat. Depending on the selected dialog option, Shepard will comment that Thane's condition is not bad yet, feeling concerned about the fact that she doesn't know how much longer the two have, at which point Liara reminds her that this is no different than is the case with any asari who is in a relationship with someone of a short-lived species (in comparison to asari standards), such as a human. But: If Captain Kirrahe survived Mass Effect's final mission, you'll meet him during the mission to recover the female Krogan. “Kalahira, this one's heart is pure, but beset by wickedness and contention. This mission can be continued by opening the galaxy map and plotting a course for the Serpent Nebula. [33], The comparison between Kepral's Syndrome and cystic fibrosis provided by Weekes resonated with Elizabeth Rogers from The AbleGamers Foundation, who explained in her article "The Problems and Joys of Thane from Mass Effect" that she suffers from the same condition: a life-threatening genetic disorder that fills her lungs and pancreas with mucus, and that like Thane, her lungs will inevitably no longer work. Despite his profession, Thane is a deeply spiritual man who prays for success in his missions. If Thane was romanced, there will be a fourth message for Shepard. I'll also tell you where to find the viper sniper rifle and how to handle the krogan bounty hunter at the elevator. 1/4 scale), the Thane exclusive statue is carefully cast in polystone resin and hand-painted by artisans. Thane is first encountered on the regional asari hub world Illium, where he had been based for the past two years planning the assassinate an asari named Nassana Dantius. [18] Arists experimented with jewellery. Irikah smashed the attacker's head in the chaos, and in the aftermath guessed Thane wasn't one of them. Alternately, if Captain Kirrahe survived Virmire and Shepard did not talk to Thane before the attack, Kirrahe will be the one to save the salarian councilor and die in the process. Thane remarks that Kolyat speaks as the priests do. Thane asked her why, and she simply replied she never lived her life. Thane tells her that he will always be with her and he will never trade the time he had with her. It is a good end to a life. [26]PC Gamer staff ranked him the fifth best Mass Effect companion in a 2016 article. Unfortunately, being an assassin meant that Thane spent a lot of his time away from home, too much in fact, slowly growing apart from his family. You've built a career on performing the impossible. [24] IGN's Steven Hopper listed him as the sixth best Mass Effect companion, saying he had "one of the most engaging story arcs" in Mass Effect 2 and crediting his complexity. [27] Ben Griffins said Thane is one of his favourite BioWare companions, and that everything about the character is "fascinating" to him. Standing approximately 18.5 inches tall (i.e. Should Shepard choose to receive Thane callously, she will comment on how he is just nervous about the upcoming battle. Time for me is short, siha, but any I have is yours to take. [17], Once his face had been set, BioWare began work on Thane's body, which Watts recalls as a less "exhausting" experience than designing Thane's head. When the hanar wasn't inclined to agree, Thane argued that their Enkindlers raised up the hanar to enable them to forge their own destinies. If Shepard has no other love interest who stops for a final word with her, Thane's spirit walks up to her, telling her that he is glad that she was able to have the time to celebrate. Thane may be recruited by Shepard in the planet Illium for a "suicide mission" to stop the abduction of human colonists by a mysterious species known as the Collectors. His handler warned him that not all were destined for happiness, but Thane was willing to take the chance. The hanar released him from his compact to let him have a family, but with no other skills, Thane freelanced his services. The authors posited that in the alternative, Thane and his religion are clearly recognized as alien by players, which do not invite comment on real world religions and spirituality, wheres the same cannot be said of Ashley and her religiosity. ThaneMOD is a series of changes to the handling of Thane Krios’ character in Mass Effect 3. Thane is off on a job and we need to go find him. See more ideas about mass effect thane, mass effect, thane. Thane's wife was later murdered by mercenaries who were pursuing her husband. Thane has been contemplating his mortality and has checked in on his only remaining family member, his son, Kolyat. Further games will follow in 2016 and beyond, although they will form a separate storyline. Thane asks for forgiveness after each kill, even going as far as to ignore those in his immediate vicinity until he is finished doing so. Thane resides at the Huerta Memorial Hospital located in the Citadel under the name Tannor Nuara. (y/n)-Your Name (h/l)-Hair Length (h/c)-Hair Color (e/c)-Eye Color (s/c)-Skin Color (f/c)-Favorite Color (h/t)-Hair Type Commander (y/n) Shepard was exhausted. Thane notes that he hadn't thought of that and thanks Shepard for informing him. Kolyat apparently wants to practice the same profession as his father, which greatly troubles Thane. He tells Shepard that he has not talked of his past to anyone until he met her, and that she is "very kind." Eventually he learned the name of the final culprit, a goon named Stiv Kay. [11] Cassidee Moser, writing for Gamesradar, called Thane's prayer to the drell deity Amonkira[13] a summation of his humble and loyal personality.[14]. The most dangerous assassin in the galaxy isn’t somewhere in Illium. In his words, it was as if his soul had gone to sleep while his body carried on. The two battle for a moment, with Thane keeping up despite his illness and even managing to throw off the assassin with biotics. Drawing Mass Effect 2: The Creation of Thane, https://twitter.com/PatrickWeekes/status/1263932798991085568. He’s right here waiting to join your crew. Thane's wish was for Shepard. When Thane's assassin training began at age six, concepts like honor and free will meant little to him. Thane was mindful at first of staying close to his family, but his work inevitably took him farther and farther away from them. Thane shares his concerns of his son Kolyat to Shepard. He will also tell Shepard that he would like to visit a desert and that he looks forward to spending some time relaxing after the mission is finished. FEATURES. Mass Effect was a landmark video game trilogy released from 2007 to 2012. Thane traveled back to Kahje for Irikah's funeral and left Kolyat in the care of his aunts and uncles while he hunted down his wife's killers. Over time he became proficient at killing, even to the point of taking on multiple close-range targets simultaneously. Thane begins to shed tears, but Shepard comforts him, and the two spend the night together. Gaming Heads proudly presents the Mass Effect™: Thane regular edition statue (also available in an exclusive edition). A chance of starting this quest should present itself after completing Priority: Palaven main quest, because you will receive a text message (private terminal) from Thane Krios (naturally this will only occur if Thane didn't die in the previous game). [12] The player can discuss with him in great detail about his beliefs, and may even be invited by Thane to pray with him. "Thane Krios" may have been derived from Indo-European terms. Shepard and Kolyat visit Thane during his final moments, reciting a drell prayer of redemption intended for Shepard before Thane passes away. [7][6] The drell are integrated into every level of hanar society and usually assist with many tasks the hanar may find physically difficult to perform even with mechanical aid, such as combat or assassinations. Thane is an excellent choice for assassinating the likes of rival crime gang leaders, the bosses of slaver ships, rogue soldiers or hackers, and the like. As Kolyat and Shepard recite the prayer, Thane passes away. Thane returns in Mass Effect 3 provided he survived the events of Mass Effect 2. Sep 13, 2015 - Explore Casey Craine's board "Thane Krios and his Siha", followed by 202 people on Pinterest. This event caused him to abandon their young son Kolyat, a decision that still haunts him. A male Shepard asks Kolyat why Thane would ask for forgiveness when his final actions were that of a hero, and a female Shepard would ask why the last verse of the prayer said 'she'. When Thane is asked how he feels about killing, he will respond that he is "merely the weapon" which his employers use to kill. Guide this one to where the traveler never tires, the lover never leaves, the hungry never starve. [3], Thane's critical reception has been very positive. [29] Tina Amini from Kotaku claimed that she reloaded an earlier save and spent at least another 40 hours making alternate decisions for her Mass Effect 2 playthrough just to ensure that Thane, whom she find compelling as a love interest for her Shepard character, survives the suicide mission and expressed a hope that their romance story arc would be continued for Mass Effect 3. Thane was strong for such a little guy, so much so that Garrus probably couldn't have stopped himself from being pushed away even if he'd been expecting it. His first kill at twelve was a human. Thane Krios is a major character in the original trilogy of the video game series Mass Effect.Specifically, he is a main character in Mass Effect 2 and a supporting/posthumous character in Mass Effect 3. Mass Effect Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. There's only one way where Thane survives the attack: If Captain Kirrahe survived Mass Effect's final mission, you'll meet him during the mission to recover the female Krogan. Leng escapes and Shepard is able to call medical aid for the drell as he falls unconscious. [9], Thane was first trained by his hanar masters as an assassin since he was six, making his first assassination by the time he reached twelve. The rumors are false! Thane Krios, his son, and Feron (from Lair of the Shadowbroker DLC) are the only three named Drell in the games. [23] Writing for GameZone, Dakota Grabowski listed Thane as the fifth best BioWare companion. Thane is a possible romantic interest for a female player character, Commander Shepard in Mass Effect 2. Thane finished the job, killing everyone involved in his wife's murder. [31] Scott Deakin, writing for GamesBeat, found his opportunity to avenge Thane, a character he was emotionally invested in, by finishing off Kai Leng during a cutscene to be deeply satisfying and cathartic. This mod allows for the eye to rotate without deforming and messing up Thane's iris (I suspect that's the reason they made his eye so dark just to hide this error). Rogers appreciated that not only did the writers of Mass Effect present Thane as "one of the few chronically ill characters to play a significant role in any video game" which she could identify herself with, they did not give Thane a cure narrative as part of his story arc, which Rogers found to be respectful. Once aboard the Citadel, Thane and Shepard discover the intended target of the assassination and stop it. The woman stepped in front of Thane's scope to prevent him from killing his target. One day, thugs broke into Irikah's lab intending to destroy the place. In the regular edition, Thane is depicted with his trusty M … As expected given the little in-game interaction with them, fans have developed many questions about the species. 1/4 scale), the Thane statue is carefully cast in polystone resin and hand-painted by artisans. [7] The drell consider their service to the hanar an honor, regardless of the nature of the task. If you didn't talk to Thane prior to the attack on the Citadel, Kirrahe will intervene instead of Thane and die in his place. See more ideas about thane krios, thane, mass effect. However, he is in the final stages of Kepral's syndrome, despite Kolyat donating blood for him. [3] The character also appears in Mass Effect 3, the final game in the trilogy, where his condition has worsened. He asks Shepard to go to the Citadel to stop his son from becoming like his father. [17] BioWare started with a written description of Thane, and wanted to emphasise him as a "career assassin" while keeping him attractive as a possible romantic interest for female players. [18] The team went "back to the drawing board",[17] with Thane later becoming a mix of "aquatic" and "reptilian" characteristics. Later on in the game Cerberus attacks the Citadel and Thane, if he was interacted with beforehand, assists Shepard in thwarting an assassination attempt on the salarian Councilor and is stabbed by assassin Kai Leng whom escapes. An external stimulus may trigger an involuntary memory recall, which are so vivid and detailed that some drell may mistake it for reality. He made up his mind to know more about the woman who would give her life to a stranger, stalking her like prey as per his training. Kolyat answers that the prayer was not for his father, who had already asked forgiveness for the lives he had taken. The measure of an individual can be difficult to discern by actions alone. He observed that Mass Effect 2 does not portray its religious and spiritual themes in a positive light, but he considered Thane to be an interesting case because the violence he commits is not informed by his religion, "although it allows for it. While this philosophy spiritually absolves him of his crimes, that convenience is undermined by the eidetic memory native to his species; the ability to perfectly recall every single act of murder he committed over the years has weighed down on his conscience, thus Thane cannot help but to feel regret over his actions. [25] GRY Online included Thane in their list of the best assassins in video games in a 2015 article. ", "THE PROBLEM AND JOYS OF THANE FROM MASS EFFECT", "9 Things We'd Like To See In Mass Effect 3", "Major events in the Mass Effect timeline", "The Lord is My Shepard - Confronting Religion in the Mass Effect Trilogy", "Study: Video games depict religion as violent and problematic (interview)", "The most badass video game mottos and speeches", "The BioWare forums are closing down forever", "Drawing Mass Effect 2: The Creation of Thane", "Interview with Derek Watts, Art Director on Mass Effect", "The 11 Sci-Fi Influences That Made Mass Effect", "Recycled characters you see in every BioWare game", "Bioware's Treatment of Religion in Video Games (Part 2)", "Nie tylko Ezio i Altair, czyli najlepsi skrytobójcy w grach video", "The Mass Effect companions, ranked from worst to best", "I Sunk 40 Extra Hours Into Mass Effect 2 To Salvage My Relationship With Thane", "Why I won't care how Mass Effect 3 ends", Thane Krios profile on the official Mass Effect 2 website, Drell profile on the official Mass Effect 2 website, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Thane_Krios&oldid=990244998, Extraterrestrial characters in video games, Fictional characters with respiratory diseases, All Wikipedia articles written in American English, Articles using Infobox character with multiple unlabeled fields, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 23 November 2020, at 16:53. 3: Citadel DLC, Shepard may hold a memorial service for Thane at apartment! 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For inspiration his mortality and has checked in on his only remaining family member, his son,,! The kill at the gaming Heads store, the Thane statue is carefully in. Him into the sea, vowing to follow the path Kolyat to continue the next lines. Proficient at killing, even to the Citadel 25 ] GRY Online included Thane in list... Drawing Mass Effect 's Thane Krios, Thane and Shepard is able to call medical aid for drell. Bioware 's eight most memorable companions, drawing attention to his family, but his work took. And killed Thane 's wish by going to the Citadel with Garrus Thane... In on his only remaining family member, his son from becoming his! The women in the galaxy prepared to use it happiness, but beset by wickedness and contention told! It for reality Effect 2 priests do their rocky first meeting, Thane and him! Even thane mass effect Thane was shown using `` Pull field '', but Thane was the toughest Mass Effect,!

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