A landmine attachment is preferable, however, if you do not have one of these you can simply place the barbell in a corner. Apart from the aesthetic benefit of having a strong and defined back, the seated cable row is an exercise used to correct and maintain one’s posture. Concentric Movement3. Share it with everyone in the comments section below! For this exercise, you’ll need a bench and some dumbbells. Make sure your arms are extended and the elbows positioned at about your shoulder height. Close. Any and all words on TheWorkoutDigest.com are not represented by CrossFit, Inc. Sitemap | Earnings Disclaimer | Terms & Privacy Policy, Building back muscle - Incline Dumbbell Rows, 5 Powerful Lat Pulldown Alternatives With Dumbbells, 13 Seated & Lying Leg Curl Alternatives (You Can Do at Home), Top 9 Effective Bench Press Alternative Exercises to Try Today. Only for this one exercise. Works for me. This exercise is done with one dumbbell of an appropriate weight, and a bench for support. A 23-year-old male asked: sir i have pain my left shoulder since 1 year during exercise upright row. One of my personal favorites, the T-Bar Row. When performing a seated cable row with alternating arms exercise, you want to first select the amount of weight on the cable machine that you want to use. No Power rack with safeties, no smith machine, only your barbell! Read on to learn about the different alternatives to the seated cable row and how to do them, below! Bench Press Vs Dips: Which Is Better For Strength & Hypertrophy? Then lower the bar until your arms are fully extended. The single arm dumbbell row is a unilateral exercise that allows you to load and work one side of your body at a time. Barbell rows: Alternatives? now i started workout still pain . My high school doesn’t have a seated rowing machine, so I need to find good alternative exercises to include in my back workouts. Below are eight (8) barbell row alternatives that you can place into your workout routine to target the back (upper and lower). Mar 31, 2016 - The Inverted Row is a great garage gym alternative to the seated cable row typically done at the global gym with special equipment (seated cable machine.) The t-bar row vs. bent over row are two exercises that target the muscle of the back and are quite similar in function. Midpoint4. Step #3 Dumbbell Row . You will need an Olympic barbell, weight plates and some serious skill to perform this exercise. Archived. Seated Cable Row Alternative Exercises (Back) The seated cable row machine is one of the few machines that I like and miss. So while lat pulldowns are an excellent exercise, there’s a need for alternatives. Hold the rope handle using a neutral grip and stand a few steps back. From your latissimus dorsi to your rhomboids, trapezius and all the stabilizer muscles around them, the inverted row has you covered. A beautiful “V-taper” look with a thick back can create an illusion of a smaller waist, thus drawing the eyes to the size of your chest. If you don’t have access to a cable row machine, don’t worry! Share Tweet Reddit Pin. Underhand rows work more of the lats. Not ideal I get that, but I don't want to risk injury g myself and I would still get progress on this right? Posted by. But here are a few: 1. Seated Cable Row Alternative Exercises. Pull the dumbbells up towards you, in a straight line until your shoulder blades are squeezed together, and your hands are at the bottom of your rib cage. At the top of the movement, the weight plates should be at your chest and your shoulder blades should be squeezed together with elbows tucked in. This subreddit if for anyone who is starting Stonglifts5x5, has previously done Stronglifts5x5, anywhere in between, or even just curious as to what it is. On the seated row, you do not lean back, so try not to raise your shoulders up too much when doing the dumbbell version. The goal for every person is to have the elbows tucked near the body and pulled back. Seated Cable Row Alternative Exercises. The seated cable row is an awesome middle/upper back compound exercise, but it’s not the only one. My posterior chain is weak, so I get the reservation, but the reason that these movements were chosen for the program is that they all use your whole body. Barbell rows: Alternatives? This exercise is, therefore, not suitable for beginners. Have the bar close in front of you and hold the bar with a pronated, medium to wide grip. I am doing stronglifts 5x5 and i am really enjoying the program. Hammer Strength Iso Low Row, Leverage High Row, etc.) I have hip and back problems and once I got up to any reasonable weight (> 100 lbs if I recall), My lower back was in agony pretty much until the next day I was supposed to do rows. Kroc Row Know another great seated cable row alternative? And by the way – If you’re in need of some dumbbells for your home gym to do exercises like these, you can have a look at some here. Because frankly, they’re not! Once the bar is in the landmine attachment, or in the corner, load the opposite end with a suitable amount of weight. The seated cable row is just one of many exercises that can be performed to maximize back strength and hypertrophy. Doing the upright row by holding the barbell wider than your shoulder width helps in engaging more of the deltoid muscles and avoiding rotator cuff injuries. Lean the body forward maintaining neutral spine, then pull the cable towards you and simultaneously lean backwards slightly. The inverted row, also known as the bodyweight row, targets your biceps and most of the muscles in your back. Row to Grow! Cookies help us deliver our Services. If possible, use some bumper plates to raise the bar higher off the ground so you're not bent so far over while rowing. 26 years experience Sports Medicine. i quite but i have still little pain . The modern-day lifestyle that sees us mostly hunched over computers, tablets and phones makes it, otherwise, hard to do so. The incline dumbbell row is an excellent alternative to seated cable rows. The single arm dumbbell row is a good entry level back exercise that provides stability without the use of a machine. Inverted rows can be done with a racked barbell, T-RX cables or rings. I’d hate for those without access to a seated cable row machine to feel as if they’re missing out…. Even though the seated row exercise is a great movement for developing your back, it’s not the best mass building exercise that you want to focus on when your overall goal is to pack on thick slabs of dense muscle mass to your back and lats. If you find the barbell row hurting your shoulders, perform the variations instead. Hold for a second at the top of the movement then return to starting position. Next, sit up tall with your feet hip-width apart and pointed straight ahead. Tags: Tips; Should You Be Doing Bent-Over Barbell Rows? However, there are many rowing exercise alternatives that are just as effective and work the same muscles out. The seated cable row is a classic exercise that works your upper back, mid-back, and biceps. Main Muscles Worked: Middle back, Latissimus Dorsi, Trapezius, Rhomboid, Deltoid, Bicep. A strong back improves your posture, making you look tall and confident. It’s important to ensure that you return the weight to a dead weight on the floor between each rep. In order to find great lat pulldown alternatives with a free weight, we need to isolate the back into pulling movements like rows, reverse fly and extension exercises. an alternative exercise for barbell upright rows. Lift your chest, retract your shoulders and hold a high cable in both hands with a close grip attachment. Pull exercises require the muscles to contract through pulling weight towards the body, during the concentric phase of the exercise, then elongate through releasing the weight, during the eccentric phase of the movement. Check out our top 3 favourite free weight lat pulldown alternatives: #1 Quadruped Birddog Single Arm Dumbbell Row Perhaps it’s the closest alternative! Hold for a second at the top of the movement then return to starting position, slowly. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. 1 What Are the Rows? Gives me more stability and allows me to still work everything the exercise does. Not at all. If you’re on the lookout for some barbells to complete your home gym (and complete this exercise), here are some good recommendations. It would be worth getting coached through this lift! RepeatCommon Seated Cable Row Errors to AvoidSeated Cable Row TipsIs the Seated Cable Row Right for You?Exercise NameSeated Cable RowAlso CalledSeated Row, Cable Row, Horizontal RowPrimary MusclesLatsSecondary MusclesRhomboids, Rear Deltoids, Biceps, … Bodybuilding. I have a dodgy lower back and it concerns me this one movement. You do not want the elbows to flare out if possible. This alternative to the seated cable row targets your latissimus dorsi, specifically, but also your rear deltoids, upper and lower trapezius and rhomboids. To correctly perform this exercise, hold onto the T-RX handles and allow yourself to hang backwards on them, on extended arms. From here, keeping your body in a straight line, walk your feet forward until you are carrying the load of your body weight that is appropriate for you to safely pull. You will need an Olympic barbell, some weight plates and a narrow grip (v-grip) handle to perform this exercise. WorkoutDigest is not associated with CrossFit.com. Keeping your arms shoulder-width apart, core tight, and a neural spine – perform an inverted row, by pulling your body weight upwards on the cables, elbows skimming past your sides and ending with your shoulder blades squeezed together. These exercises also provide alternatives to pull-ups, in case you don’t have access to a pull-up bar. This exercise is done with one dumbbell of an appropriate weight, and a bench for support. The Incline Dumbbell Row is as close to a seated cable row as it gets! It’s an isolation movement for your back muscles. Back and biceps day has got to be one of my favorite training days! By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. In strength training, rowing (or a row, usually preceded by a qualifying adjective — for instance a seated row) is an exercise where the purpose is to strengthen the muscles that draw the rower's arms toward the body (latissimus dorsi) as well as those that retract the scapulae (trapezius and rhomboids) and those that support the spine (erector spinae). Free-Weight Substitute/Alternative To: Seated Cable Rows, Chest-Supported T-bar Rows, machine rows (ex. Would using the seated row machine be a good alternative? The movement should be controlled, and your knees and hips should always maintain their position. Quick NavigationInstructions with Pictures1. Tip: A Back-Friendly Alternative to Bent-Over Rows You need to be doing more horizontal pulls, but the standard barbell row may be doing more harm than good. This does not duplicate the seated cable row as well because it will work more of the upper trapezius and upper back muscles rather than focusing more on the mid-back. So yeah, I'm not doing the true Stronglifts 5x5. Seated rows are typically done on a seated row machine or a seated cable row machine, and the instructions for using each are almost the same. But, they are some fundamental differences the bodybuilder should be aware of. I still track via the app. It’s a rowing movement, so it hits your traps and lats effectively. If you don’t have access to a cable machine try the following movements in lieu of the seated cable row: Standing Cable Row: Perhaps you don’t have access to a weight bench but have cable machine. Start with your arms fully extended and then pull the bar towards your chest, maintaining a neutral spine. Have your legs straight and your toes resting on the floor. My gym has 10lbs plates that are the same height as 45lbs plates, so I've been using those when deadlifting and rowing. Popularly known for building strength and size through the back and biceps, the seated cable row is a golden oldie. Seated cable rows is a fantastic movement to help add size to your physique. To effectively train your back and biceps, you need to be performing pull exercises. TRX or strap rows . Contents. What Helped My Body Dysmorphia - … ROW – Cable. These types of exercises are great for building equal strength and mass through the left and right sides of your body. There are alternatives to this exercise that target the same muscles and are equally as effective! This exercise is not preferable for beginners as it does require a significant amount of core and lower body strength to be able to perform it without injury. The seated cable row is one of those exercises that has been around for so long and is tried and tested, that people are unable to look beyond it. Variations: Seated cable high row; Alternative: None; How to do a High Cable Row. There are plenty of seated cable row alternative exercises you can do to work the same muscles. Don’t have TRX cables? Holding the dumbbell on an extended arm, row the weight upwards towards your ribs – elbows skimming past your sides, pulling your scapular back and down. I say concentrate on form with light weight. Repetition should be slow and controlled for maximum time under resistance. I can also function the next day after doing rows. The main difference with this alternative is that your entire body weight is supported by a bench. Here are a few techniques for those wanting to know how to do rows at home. Targeting both your upper and lower back, as well as requiring full posterior chain and core activation for stability, this is a power exercise of note. Hook the handle under the collar of the barbell, hold with two hands and straddle the bar. It’s important to note that this lift needs to be done on appropriate flooring. Most lifters need to be doing horizontal pulls. I had the same reservations, but there are a few things that are helping me through (I'm on my second week of training). My opinion, but next to leg training, back training is one of my favorite body parts to train. With a barbell laying on a fixed plane of 180 degrees it makes wrist flexibility an important aspect when choosing which grip variation to use. Better Alternative to Bent-Over Barbell Rows. Rows reinforce the ideal hip hinge position, helping you load the glutes and hamstrings for hypertrophy and develop explosive hip extension for exercises like sprinting, jumping, and cleans. 2. 2 years ago. Try this exercise for 12 to 15 reps on each side. by Dr John Rusin | 10/21/16. Starting at Low weights and proper form will actually strengthen your back. Personally, I really like doing seated cable rows. Keeping your core fully engaged to stabilize through your lower back, flex through the elbows to pull the bar towards your abdomen (in a straight line), as quickly as you can. It’s a good idea to start with your weaker arm. Eccentric Movement5. I like to perform this exercise in sets of 5 for 5 to maximize strength gains. Work on your form and stick to the plan! I have hip and back problems and once I got up to any reasonable weight (> 100 lbs if I recall), My lower back was in agony pretty much until the next day I was supposed to do rows. So yeah, I'm not doing the true Stronglifts 5x5. This post may use affiliate links. As you can see, it’s easy to target all the muscles in your back without requiring the use of a seated cable row machine. At the top of the movement, your shoulder blades should be fully retracted. In this article, we’ll cover you a guide to the best alternatives and then give you frequently asked questions about lat pulldown exercises. Your back shouldn’t hurt from rows if you keep it parallel to the floor and just use arms and shoulders for the movement. Asking other guys with good form at the gym to spot my form. Sit upright and lock your legs against the cable with slight knee flexion. When doing Seated Cable Rows your main objective is to build back thickness to pronounce detail in a lat spread or back double biceps shot. From here, with a slight bend in the knees, hinge forward at the hips until your upper body is at 45 degrees to the floor. Alternative to Adv Tuck Front Lever Row +25lbs = Seated Cable Row with 190lbs This exercise is also great for beginners; it uses your body weight and does not put a lot of added stress on the back. I can also function the next day after doing rows. This allows you to isolate your upper back by taking the load off your core. I switched to seated cable rows for this exact reason. Try this instead. This makes it easy to do effective back and bicep workouts from home, with a minimal home gym set up. Your thoracic spine should be somewhat flexed, and shoulders protracted, when you start. Technique should come first when doing this exercise. © 2016–2021 TheWorkoutDigest.com - All Rights Reserved TheWorkoutDigest.com is designed for informational purposes only & DOES NOT provide medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. Might as well replace those too , New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, More posts from the Stronglifts5x5 community. Check out some good TRX alternatives here. Eval: Pain for a year at your age deserves further evaluation from an orthopedic surgeon. Any movement that requires the back and bicep muscles to pull weight in either a horizontal or vertical plane, are effective for both strengthening and adding mass to these muscle groups. You’d struggle to find a gym that doesn’t have a seated cable row machine! 8 Barbell Row Alternatives. This is another exercise that is best performed in low repetitions over numerous sets. You can find out more about unilateral exercises, here. They are both compound exercises that focus mainly on your back muscles. Brian Ward is a fitness writer, founder & editor of TheWorkoutDigest. You have such a wide range of exercises to choose from. Variations: Standing single arm cable row; Alternative: Bent over dumbbell row, landmine T-bar row; How to do a Standing Cable Row. Stand in front of a cable row machine with a shoulder-width stance and the knees slightly bent. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. When planning the best exercise regime to accomplish your goals, it is essential to compare the efficacy of similar options. For this article, I will be focussing on the T-RX inverted cable row. A cable pulley machine (pull down machine) costs anywhere from a few hundred to even a few thousand dollars and can be quite heavy and take up a lot of space. Position the pulley so that the cable attachment with D-handles is at your ribcage level. Be sure to draw-in your belly button and keep your neck relaxed. The seated cable row and the bent-over barbell row are staple exercises in any workout routine. Each repetition starts with the barbell as a dead weight on the ground. Before I go onto some of the great alternatives to the seated cable row, I first want to go over the fundamentals of ‘back and biceps day’. I do it in the power rack with the safeties low. I switched to seated cable rows for this exact reason. Start holding the dumbbell on an extended arm and row the weight upwards towards your ribs – elbows skimming past your sides. To do the single arm dumbbell row safely, support your body weight on the bench, maintaining a neutral spine and neck. Bent-over rows with cables 2. My lower back was trash until I started doing SL5x5. Keep your head and neck in a neutral position. It seems to be murdering my back when i execute it even with perfect form, belt on, it just doesnt seem to feel right for me. The only downfall of this exercise would be the technique, which is tricky to get right, even for the seasoned lifter. Whereas, the seated cable row does require a lot of core effort to help you stabilize. Press J to jump to the feed. Is the seated cable row the be-all and end-all of back and biceps day? Inverted horizontal row 5. I worry about form on this, it is an exercise I've never done. Last but not least, we have the incline dumbbell row as a seated cable row alternative. The single arm dumbbell row is a good entry level back exercise that provides stability without the use of a machine. Colossus Fitness 659,846 views. No! He has been lifting weights & writing about fitness for over 5 years. This alternative to the seated cable row targets your latissimus dorsi, specifically, but also your rear deltoids, upper and lower trapezius and rhomboids. Apocalyptic survivors will need strong backs for laboring and self-defense. 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