Eczema Quite simply put, scalp eczema (seborrheic dermatitis) is caused by the over-secretion of sebum (natural oil) by the sebaceous glands in your scalp. But both have significant differences as well and we will discuss it here in terms of different parameters. Scalp eczema c… It can even occur on your face, ears, chest, back, underarms, and genitals. Psoriasis shares some of these triggers, like stress and infection. Or you're heading out the door for a day of fun in the sun. Psoriasis vs Eczema. Other irritants include: dust, pet dander, mold, pollen and even certain foods. Both are skin conditions with similar symptoms, but there are ways to tell them apart. Dry and scaly skin woes can be due to a number of skin conditions. Eczema can be caused by a number of factors. Or you could use just a biologic drug, which includes: American Academy of Dermatology: "Atopic dermatitis: Who gets and causes. If youre not sure which condition you have, see your doctor to get an accurate diagnosis. However, there are certain areas where you’re more prone to see psoriasis and certain areas you’re more likely to see eczema developing. This makes it difficult for doctors to diagnose the condition and recommend or prescribe the appropriate treatments. These similarities can make differentiating the disease difficult, especially in children. © 2004-2021 Healthline Media UK Ltd, Brighton, UK, a Red Ventures Company. However, it is crucial to understand the differences between psoriasis and eczema Because psoriasis involves the overproduction of skin cells, those cells build up on the skin and cause red plaques that are often covered by silvery-white scales. Learn about scrotal eczema, a form of eczema that affects the scrotum. Eczema is a combination of genetic and external factors, but the most common occurrence is usually a response to environmental or other external factors, say heat or exposure to products containing harsh chemicals. Although the skin symptoms of psoriasis and eczema can look similar, the conditions are very different below the surface of the skin. According to the National Eczema Association, 31.6 million people in the U.S. suffer from eczema, with at least 17.8 million dealing with moderate to severe eczema. They may be silvery and scaly -- and raised. It can get so bad that you scratch enough to make your skin bleed. StraightFromTheDoc is a community-supported website. 1 But despite the rash similarities, there are some clear indicators that can help you spot psoriasis over eczema, or vice versa. Rosacea vs. psoriasis vs. eczema. What People With Psoriasis Want You to Know. Exposure to dust from furnishings can also contribute to eczema. In mouse models of psoriasis, researchers found that oral administration of a synthetic vanilla extract called vanillin reduced skin inflammation. Psoriasis vs eczema both has many differences and similarities too, Initially, it will a bit hard for you to identify whether is it psoriasis or eczema. They can include itching, rashes and redness, which are common symptoms of chronic inflammatory skin conditions. Psoriasis is an autoimmune disease , meaning your immune system is dysfunctional and your skin cells grow too fast. A study published in the journal Science Translational Medicine studied patients who had both eczema and psoriasis. It can also cause swelling. Light therapy paired with methotrexate, cyclosporine, acretin, apremilast or a biologic is also an option for more severe cases. When it comes to eczema vs psoriasis, the two conditions are often confused for each other, but they are in fact quite different. 3. Children may “grow out of it” and not experience the condition as they age. In this rare form, also called exfoliative psoriasis, the affected patches may look like severe burns and can cover widespread areas of the body. Psoriasis: Should You Avoid Certain Foods? Here we explore some of these differences in more detail. Psoriasis vs Eczema. Psoriasis is an … Because allergies can trigger eczema, avoiding substances a person knows they’re allergic to can help. After all, both can cause red, inflamed or peeling skin. Psoriasis typically occurs on the back of the elbows and front of the knees, while eczema occurs in the inside folds of joints and the neck,” Lebwohl says. Understanding psoriasis and eczema. You can have it on your neck, wrists, and ankles. Psoriasis vs eczema: Here's how you can differentiate "Eczema and psoriasis look very similar with red, itchy, scaly rashes but they are fundamentally different. Learn more. These two skin problems have different causes and can appear in different stages of your life. What gives? This is due to the fact that their symptoms may seem the same on the surface. Learning the differences between eczema and psoriasis. We’ve already established that despite having similar symptoms, psoriasis and eczema are two drastically different skin conditions. But you can get it at other ages too. These include: Like eczema, psoriasis can be treated with light therapy, which is also known as phototherapy. Disclaimer. But you can also get flare-ups when your skin is injured, for example by: Some medications can also bring on a psoriasis flare, like lithium, which treats bipolar disorder, or drugs for malaria. Psoriasis Both psoriasis and eczema can cause itchy red rashes to form, so it could be either of them at first glance. Although eczema can itch, psoriasis is often more painful with burning sensations or soreness. Psoriasis symptoms appear anywhere on the body, even the scalp, fingernails and toenails. Examples of these substances include foods such as eggs, milk, peanuts, soybeans, fish, and wheat. It's rare for a baby to have it. Your skin may sting or burn. ", National Eczema Association: "Eczema," "Symptoms of Eczema," "Causes & Triggers," "Treatment. #1 Site for Psoriasis and Eczema Info Blog. Steps a person can take to treat eczema include: Keeping the skin clean, moisturized, and dry can help to reduce eczema symptoms. Psoriasis is a condition that occurs when a person’s immune system triggers skin cells to grow faster than they usually should. While there are differences between the conditions, they can present as similar to the other. In fact, according to a 2015 review of studies in the Journal of Clinical Medicine, eczema was the condition most commonly misdiagnosed as psoriasis in infants and adolescents (and vice versa).1 T… Children who have psoriasis tend … Often, symptoms improve when a kid becomes a grown-up. What causes psoriasis vs. eczema? Eczema affects the ability of the skin to protect against outside irritants and allergens. ", National Psoriasis Foundation: "About Psoriasis," "Life with Psoriasis," "Causes and Known Triggers," "Psoriasis Treatments.". © 2005 - 2019 WebMD LLC. They work by reducing inflammation and itching. We are not medical professionals. Instead of the dead skin cells coming off the skin, they build up on the skin. (NPF, 2018) ‍Like psoriasis, eczema is a condition involving immune dysregulation, however it isn’t absolutely clear as yet that there is an autoimmune component. In the comparison of psoriasis vs. eczema, erythrodermic psoriasis is one of the more unique forms that stands out for easy identification. Eczema affects 10 percent of adults in the United States. Two that can sometimes appear so similar that it’s tough for doctors to tell the difference are psoriasis and eczema. A dermatologist can point out the differences," says Dr. Krishnamurthy. Eczema vs. Psoriasis – Below the Surface. Psoriasis Symptoms vs. Eczema Symptoms Psoriasis and eczema have similarities. When distinguishing between cases of eczema vs psoriasis, eczema is almost always very itchy, whereas psoriasis can sometimes be itchy, but not in all cases. Psoriasis This treatment involves controlled exposure to ultraviolet light, which slows down skin cell turnover and reduces inflammation. If a person’s eczema is severe and doesn’t respond to at-home treatments, a doctor can prescribe creams to reduce eczema occurrence and symptoms. It can get so bad that you scratch enough to make your skin bleed. Eczema and psoriasis are two common types of skin disorder, exhibits different symptoms. Like psoriasis, eczema can cause itchy, scaly lesions on the skin. We want to state that Our comments, suggestions, blogs post, and articles are not intended to take the place of medical advice or medical professionals. Eczema typically presents with red, itchy skin and can be present with or without scales. While it won’t necessarily heal psoriasis, it can reduce the symptoms. Caregivers can also give their child soft gloves to wear in bed to keep them from scratching while sleeping. Eczema usually starts in babies or young children. The plaques are most often found on elbows and knees, but they can occur anywhere. Eczema and psoriasis both cause itchy, red patches, but the 2 conditions can look quite different. Typically, it takes about a month for skin cells to regenerate, but in people with psoriasis, this process happens every three to four days, according to the Cleveland Clinic. Eczema is an inflammation of the skin that can have numerous triggers. If you have it, you may also have diabetes, heart disease, or depression. Last medically reviewed on February 12, 2017. In addition, they stop skin cells from growing too quickly. Read on to discover … We look at the symptoms and treatment options. Psoriasis treatment is either systemic, which means it affects your entire body, or topical, which goes on your skin. Excessive itching may result in open wounds that can become infected. This includes: painful and itchy rashes, flaking skin, and dry skin. Psoriasis and Depression: What's the Link? It happens when the skin cells go through their life cycle more quickly than normal. Maybe you're settling into your easy chair for a little Sunday siesta. Psoriasis vs Eczema – quick look. You might also try light therapy (your doctor will call it phototherapy) using ultraviolet light. Eczema is brought on by skin irritants like soap, disinfectants, detergents, aerosol sprays or even juices from fruits, vegetables or meats. If a person has both skin conditions, they may have to apply different treatments to each. Babies sometimes get it on their chin, cheeks, scalp, chest, back, arms, and legs. When this is the case, a person may need to apply a prescription topical antibiotic cream or take an antibiotic. A person may also go for quite some time without symptoms, then experience a flare-up. It's less common, but possible, to get it as an adult. MNT is the registered trade mark of Healthline Media. Psoriasis and Eczema are two conditions that confuse many people as the results are pretty similar. You’ll also commonly see thick patches of skin with overlying redness. Psoriasis is an autoimmune condition that affects about 7.5 million Americans, according to the American Academy of Dermatology. Flare-ups can be triggered by many different factors. Whether it's psoriasis or eczema, your doctor can recommend ways to get relief for it. Difference #3: Location of symptoms. Psoriasis vs. eczema. Learn about dyshidrotic eczema, a common form of this skin condition that causes blisters. No cure exists for eczema, and the condition can be long-lasting. Taking steps to reduce stress by practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation, Avoiding extremely hot temperatures as sweat can worsen symptoms, Seborrheic dermatitis, also known as “cradle cap”. Smart Grocery Shopping When You Have Diabetes, Surprising Things You Didn't Know About Dogs and Cats, Coronavirus in Context: Interviews With Experts, Sign Up to Receive Our Free Coroanvirus Newsletter, Psoriasis Symptoms - Psoriasis vs. Eczema: How to Tell the Difference, Treating Psoriasis When You Have Other Conditions. Psoriasis vs Eczema Based on 6 Parameters Parameter – 1: Definition. Examples include: Keeping the skin clean and moisturized while avoiding harsh soaps and very hot water can relieve psoriasis discomfort and reduce any itching. These include environmental factors, bacteria exposure, allergens, and family history. Eczema may be worsened by irritants such as certain soaps, detergents and cleansers, and can also be irritated by wetness. Well tell you about some of the most important similarities and differences in the two conditions. These medicines are known as calcineurin inhibitors. Some people say it feels like you're getting bitten by fire ants. These two drugs should be used with caution as they carry a warning about a possible risk of cancer. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Examples of other skin conditions that cause similar symptoms include: When a person has a skin condition of an unknown cause, they should see their physician to try and find out more about the condition’s potential cause. Psoriasis is linked to other serious health conditions. Examples include tacrolimus and pimecrolimus. Mild-to-moderate psoriasis treatments can include applying corticosteroids. People with plaque psoriasis typically have sharply demarcated, raised, itchy, painful red plaques covered with silvery scales. What are the different types of psoriasis? It’s not surprising that many people can’t tell the difference between psoriasis and eczema. Psoriasis can also cause red patches. Moderate-to-severe psoriasis can be treated with stronger medications available by prescription. These medications are available over the counter. As some treatments can be very expensive, it’s important that the most targeted treatment is prescribed. These patches may weep, or seep a clear fluid, resulting in a crust. Eczema makes your skin red and inflamed. Eczema causes an intense itch. Psoriasis could also be itchy, but there's something extra going on. Psoriasis, on the other hand, usually shows up between ages 15 and 35. The cells start to pile up on the top of the skin, forming the white scale," explains Jeffrey Millstein, MD , a physician at Penn Internal Medicine Woodbury Heights . If you have moderate to severe eczema, you may need to try a medicine that affects your immune system like , methotrexate, azathioprine, or cyclosporine. We examine the symptoms, treatment options, and management tips for this…. Atopic dermatitis is the most common type of eczema. As a result, it’s important to understand the differences. Psoriasis could be prevented with artificial vanilla extract. Taking certain medications, such as lithium and, Avoiding harsh soaps and highly fragranced products, Refraining from taking very long, hot baths or showers, Applying topical corticosteroid creams to itchy areas, Applying an antihistamine cream or taking an antihistamine, such as diphenhydramine, Applying cool, wet compresses to the skin to avoid scratching, Using light therapy in a controlled manner to avoid the side effects of excess sun exposure, such as. causes an intense itch. Eczema and psoriasis are both characterized by the appearance of patches of inflamed, dry skin, often in recurrent episodes known as flares. All rights reserved. If topical treatments don’t work to reduce the incidence of psoriasis, medications are available by injection. Your doctor needs to make the final call, but psoriasis or eczema could be the problem. Eczema tends to start in childhood, while psoriasis usually appears when you’re a teenager or adult. Eczema often appears on parts of your body that bend, like your inner elbow or behind your knees. Any medical information published on this website is not intended as a substitute for informed medical advice and you should not take any action before consulting with a healthcare professional, Debra Sullivan, Ph.D., MSN, R.N., CNE, COI, Complementary Medicine / Alternative Medicine, Aphantasia: The inability to visualize images, The Recovery Room: News beyond the pandemic — January 8, COVID-19: Research points to long-term neurological effects. When that happens, it's usually because you have another condition like thyroid disease, hormone changes, or stress. Certain factors are known to trigger psoriasis episodes or worsen existing psoriasis. This type of moisturizer has an oil or cream base, not a water base, like lotion, which could dry your skin out more. We include information on symptoms and treatment options for different types. Symptoms of psoriasis Having an itchy, flaky scalp is a common problem for many people. It is vital to have eczema checked out by a specialist to avoid incorrect and potentially harmful home treatment. Psoriasis often shows up on places like your: You may also have patches on other areas, such as: Eczema usually results from things that irritate your skin, like: Things that cause allergies can also set off eczema, like: Infections can start up eczema, and so can stress, sweating, heat, humidity, and changes in your hormones. Eczema and psoriasis are not the only skin conditions that can resemble the other. Eczema tends to appear in the crooks of the knees and the elbows. Psoriasis vs. eczema. The researchers found that people have different genes present in the skin tissue of each condition type that could help doctors more definitively diagnose each condition. Eczema causes an intense itch, which is, sometimes, so intense that patients scratch their skin until they bleed. Psoriasis is common on the knees and elbows, while eczema generally appears behind the knees and the creases inside the elbows. About 7.5 million people in the U.S. Get the facts. Appearance. Eczema Eczema and psoriasis are two common skin conditions that are often mistaken for each other. Though they are both chronic inflammatory conditions, both of these are caused by very different factors. Here’s what we know… 1. Eczema results in dry, itchy patches of skin that can worsen when scratched. Hence, to make it easy for you, above I have mentioned the differences based on their symptoms and looks so that you can easily identify it. Psoriasis vs. eczema in inconvenient places of the body Psoriasis in inconvenient places Psoriasis can develop in very uncomfortable places. Psoriasis and seborrheic dermatitis. Follow: More. Generally speaking, both conditions can appear on most parts of the body. Eczema tends to be on the hands, arms, elbows, ankles, knees, as … Eczema usually comes along with dry, sensitive skin. All rights reserved. Placing dust-protective covers over pillows and mattresses and frequent cleanings of dust-attracting items may also help. For mild to moderate cases, you’ll use a topical corticosteroid to control inflammation, and you’ll use an emollient on your skin. Your skin may sting or burn. Either way, you stop and pause, because you've got an itch that just won't leave you alone -- along with blotches of red on your skin. Both conditions can cause red, itchy skin but have different causes and different treatments. Eczema patches are not as thick as psoriasis plaques and appear mostly as … Eczema is less likely to cause scaling and is more likely to be accompanied by fluids leaking through the skin. If nothing else works, your doctor may prescribe a biologic drug called dupilumab (Dupixent). But if you look closely, the skin is thicker and more inflamed than with eczema. Psoriasis is a condition that occurs when a person’s immune system triggers skin cells to grow faster than they usually should. O'Neill, J. Acta Dermato-Venereologica, April 2011. Psoriasis can cause a ‘scaly’ rash and is distinct from eczema in terms of its appearance, location and intensity. Like psoriasis, eczema can occur anywhere on the body, but this rash is most commonly seen on the hands and feet, elbows and knees, chest and around the eyes. Applying moisturizing creams is also helpful because it can lessen itching, dryness, and scratching. Psoriasis is one of a major skin disease. We are often asked about the differences between psoriasis vs eczema. could also be itchy, but there's something extra going on. Yet, on closer look, there are differences and a trained doctor will surely know the differences. These include retinoids, methotrexate, cyclosporine, and immune-modulating drugs such as etanercept. Nutrition and mental health: Is there a link? However, before you can figure out how to treat the condition, you must identify the cause. Depending on the type of eczema, treatment will vary greatly. Eczema tends to affect children in greater numbers. It can be easy to confuse eczema and psoriasis since the symptoms often look similar, but one difference between eczema and psoriasis is the locations where they most often occur. Eczema treatment depends on how severe it is. If your disease is limited, or mild, you may be able to control it with topical corticosteroids and emollients. Psoriasis causes well-defined, thick, red, scaly patches, commonly in areas like the elbows and knees. While they are both skin conditions and sometimes look similar, they are caused by different things and are often treated differently. It is common to see psoriasis on the face, buttocks, and scalp of a child. Rosacea, eczema and psoriasis can sometimes look and feel alike. For more information from our Medical co-author, including how to work out the cause of your eczema or psoriasis, read on. "The biggest difference between eczema and psoriasis is the underlying causes. It may be scaly, oozing, or crusty. You may see rough, leathery patches that are sometimes dark. We may earn a small commission on purchases made through our links. Learn about different types of psoriasis in their mild to moderate forms. With psoriasis – the skin is also itchy, but it also feels like it’s been stung or burnt; almost as though it’s on fire. You may have someone in your family who has it or has asthma or hay fever. While it’s rare that a person will have both eczema and psoriasis, it is possible. Eczema vs Psoriasis: Risk Factors. Eczema is frequently related to allergies; many people with eczema also have food allergies, asthma, or both. UpToDate: “Treatment of psoriasis in adults,” “Treatment of atopic dermatitis (eczema).”.

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