The system is set up for racketeering. Even if I did, I probably wouldn’t be allowed to write about it. This puts professsionals at a disadvantage. All the time they can operate under cover of secrecy, they will abuse the process of law to make easy money. Well the lawyers cafcass and judges, the lawyers can drag out proceedings for a protracted amount of time swindling the legal aid agency, cafcass then keep their contracts and bonuses with the firm, ….as for the judge, well, I know of one judge, whose husband was a family lawyer and for better word cooked the books for financial gain to the tune of £70k!!! i can see your point. “the system leading up to case is definitely corrupt just like the criminal court who used to hang people for being witches.” Behind closed doors, their families have been ripped to pieces. Family court Judges never take action against Social workers committing perjury on Oath and falsifying case files. “I consider every family solicitor, judge, social worker, cafcass officer as the most malevolent individuals on the face of the earth.”. Voices. please sign up for instant access today. How many families witness the legal system bending over for social services and Cafcass ‘in the name of justice!!? The corruption is as real as your hand in front of your face. The other side not so different from investment banking and wall street etc. This is because normal families work problems out amongst themselves, without family law; the families that don’t, and go through family court, are the ‘high conflict’ ones, who have a cluster B personality disordered parent driving the conflict. He could not have hoped to get away with it. … Many lawyers and judges within this industry often dismiss and brush off those mothers and fathers who call out wrongdoings with the court and its players as being disgruntled or resentful. They lack the will and the drive to really make change and make changes stick. While courts are behind closed doors. Stamp out the bad eggs. —————————————————-. The only routes available to them to try to get injustice revoked are paved with yet more greedy lawyers and more corrupt judges. Children forced to take sides face emotional crisis, Amanda Sillars, LinkedIn. B. And people wonder why society in britain is broken? For example, domestic violence, the empirical evidence clearly demonstrates that it’s 50/50 and systemic non reciprocal domestic violence is perpetrated by women twice the rate of men. “Judges and social workers have been conspiring to remove children unjustly from their parents, a scathing High Court ruling said today. That is corruption. 4 Tips for Keeping Your Family Intact During the Coronavirus. According to BuzzFeed, they’ve just been caught out handing backhanders to the NCDV for their usurping of s45 FLA 1996. If I change your mind, you promise to write a blog on examples of corruption in the family court? Not sweeping under the carpet. As such, family courts can be sinister places where cruel decisions are made. you never fail to make us laugh at your defence of the family courts. Oh dear have I spoke out about the family court again!!! Try the definition at, it is a little broader and several definitions are appropo. Common Law Courts Replaced by Administrative Courts Video Resources: Roger Hayes ~ British Constitution Group . (*comment moderated). I have witnessed it personally. Everyone involved in family welfare needs training in this; no one is getting it. What planet are you living on? Otherwise, they do not receive money or personal gain of any other sort for deciding cases in a particular way. This being the complete disenfranchisement of the male role model from the family along with , most importantly stripping him financially and transfer of all wealth and assets to the newly single mother . My ex’s lawyer in the divorce claimed I was the part of the patriarchy, was exploiting my ex, and that she was fighting for justice. This undermines the respect people should have for law. Campaigner whose sons were murdered voices delight at MBE. Their illness (the same as narcissism) makes them covert power; they lack empathy – business and law align with that. These scenarios, known to many as “parental alienation”, have become an epidemic in the Family Court system and children are being used as weapons and leverage to emotionally, financially and physically destroy targeted parents. She was delusional and using the ideology to try to cover her predatory behaviour; I had already given my ex enough to live on comfortably for the rest of her life; she and her ‘feminist’ lawyer got no more. Your perception of been corrupt is going nowhere. “If you are tempted to jump on the bandwagon and tell the world that our family courts are corrupt, stop and engage your critical faculties for a moment” The main difference is that where possible, as part of my job, I collect evidence that is put before Courts of real Justice, in order to put criminals where they belong, either in jail or at the end of a rope. You will never get an answer All done by design , family court at the heart of it . Most people in the system perceive (corruption) Lawyers cause cases to protract as a result whilst fleecing the public purse. kinds of legal disputes to do with children and the breakdown of relationships They seem to me to be decent people who have discovered to their despair quite how much power the state can wield when on the hunt for ‘danger signs’. The perception is entirely justified. Hmmmm.. … so when you say corruption you may perceive it as bribery in some aspect….. For most walking into a predetermined hearing is deemed ‘corrupt’ how can your article 6 rights be upheld when the outcome has been determined between lawyers and cafcass…. Probably the most superficial and omissive article on the ways organisations get corrupted one could ever read. And the authors views are glaring proof that he is a part of the problem. The Narcissistic Mirage – Coming To Grips With Who They Really Are It’s such a shock when we discover that the narcissist… May 20, 2020 / by admin. The evidence here in this tiny sample of examples of injustice suffered by the respondents should alone be sufficient to cause alarm bells to be ringing stridently all the way up to the House of Lords. AKA buying a result. There is indeed a different standard of proof: in family courts, a dispute must be proved by the ‘balance of probabilities’ rather than beyond reasonable doubt. Even through his suit I could see that he was a muscular man: not tall, but thick-set, and clearly able to look after himself, in a slightly intimidating sort of way. I suggest you watch ‘the psychopath test’ on TED on YouTube. By the time a case is heard, children have been deeply manipulated and the emotionally abusive parent has often developed a team (sometimes including school staff and other parents) who have sided with them. S ecrecy in family courts could be allowing judges to get away with mistakes, the most senior family judge in England and Wales has said. If you are tempted to jump on the bandwagon and tell the world that our family courts are corrupt, stop and engage your critical faculties for a moment. And ‘why are they allowed to remove children in such an underhand and secretive way, and the parents are powerless to stop it?’. The setting up of prisoners dilemma’s between 2 separated parents (as statistically predictable odds follows) means the state are always better off taking a child; and lose out if the don’t. i know of a family court judge who runs her own Law firm from the same address as the Barristers chambers who represent parents and Local Authorities in her court room. Targeted parents spend their lives under the magnifying glass, having to defend and explain themselves in a legal system that has very little understanding about this insidious form of emotional abuse. I also don’t recall reading of any case in which a family judge acted dishonestly in return for money or personal gain. A letter from a previous hearing awarding me £600 costs. Family court typically involves parties who are going through a divorce or who are seeking custody of children. We know the game, some of us at least, and the game is up. Take action. Very strange indeed . The reality of the situation concerning family court corruption is rooted in ideology. “I consider every family solicitor, judge, social worker, cafcass officer as the most malevolent individuals on the face of the earth.”, i agree with what you say but im amazed they published this post.”. He was about forty years old. Make no mistake this perception is chorosive. 4:47. That any person should have to write such words is a terrible indictment of the injustice and corruption that is endemic in the UK divorce courts. Family Court Corruption Doc #6. I suppose it could benefit the lawyers but, as I have said, they play no direct role in deciding cases. The arena that the fight takes place is laughingly called “Family Court”. The fact is that it doesn’t matter what anyone says anywhere. I enter the family court “Peterborough” as a father looking to see his daughter again after 5 months, and the nightmare lived in that slaughterhouse is not bearable by any living being. I like to hear your story, you can email me at This view has always come up against much resistance from his own profession, who are understandably wary of the glare of the press. “they lack empathy – business and law align with that.” The various types of Family Court handle: 1. parental disputes over the upbringing of children 2. local authority intervention to protect children 3. decrees relating to divorce 4. financial support for children after divorce or relationship breakdown 5. some aspects of domestic violence 6. adoptionFamily matters are Family Court Corruption; Search; Menu; Home. We have to awaken ourselves and deal with this evil. But from the letters I received, I also sense how terrifying it must be to find oneself caught up in this, with the full force of the state telling you what’s best for your family. Roger Hayes and Group Arrest a Judge for Treason and Contempt of Court . The Forced Adoption agenda failed here. No binding precedents. He has gone on to play football with a premiere league team. I am happy to share all of this evidence with you Marilyn, in person, for as long as it takes. Not sure if it’s corruption or just that they have no respect of fairness to men. But then i guess youd rather sweep this under the Carpet. Family Courts. Theres no support for individuals such as myself. Oxford family court one of the worst. A dad. (re: potential null or void Court Order) because they tend to be put down to some sort of administrative error (misinterpretation) when it could have been a misrepresentation. I the problem goes a lot higher up and starts with government targets, also the caffcass officers which are mostly ex-social workers from the local council who are definitely corrupt and normally pressured from the managers. Dismantling Family Court Corruption: Why Taking The Kids Was Not Enough tells the story of Maryann's journey, providing essential "Takeaways" throughout which conveys to the reader the wisdom she gained which can empower them to be stronger, more resilient and more successful in the midst of their own Family Court battles. Unfortunately we live in an “I’m alright Jack,not in ‘my’ garden society”. Looks like any real comments that highlight the truth about the divorce courts are now being suppressed on this website. Corruption. Buy Dismantling Family Court Corruption: Why Taking The Kids Was Not Enough by Petri, Maryann (ISBN: 9781648718366) from Amazon's Book Store. Of my son ex partner who our case was against had been working on the case along side the judge her name is all over case papers . I have been in court where a judge XX made up evidence against me to be able to give the order he wanted I am sure he would not have done this if I was represented. Sir James Munby, Britain’s most senior family judge, has long argued for more transparency. he wont even acknowledge the Justice Pauffley story. Since I live outside the UK, I might just start such a website. And there can only be two reasons for it: A. 8 talking about this. One letter came from a university--educated professional couple. Typically the difficulty of family cases, eg those where family members are in conflict, pose dilemas which the family require SUPPORT for. the usual action is to announce to the court to have that information removed from the record and continue like nothing ever happened and the Judges simply agree to that. When people use the word “corrupt” in relation to family courts, they are applying a wider and more commonly held meaning than what the dictionary says. “I have a terrible feeling that if you actually stopped some of the parents in these care cases as they were going out of court at the end and you asked them what was going on, what’s been happening, what’s the answer, they’d be unable to explain…And that is an indictment of our system, not of them.” I got treated like dirt and the settlement I got was ridiculous unfair. In my daytime job (I am a bomb disposal engineer) I have to deal with the results of professional criminals and terrorists who think that it is acceptable to terrorise and kill people for gain. Try harder. The Family Court will normally hear all other cases about family issues, but may transfer some cases to us, for instance if complex issues are involved. CEO (this site doesn’t allow links but you can find the research by a search with “Psychopath Favourite Profession” ). Dont forget about High court Judge Justice Pauffley who exposed the truth about Family court Judges and Social workers. As a citizen, you can help ensure the proper working of the courts by reporting incidents of corruption. The best Interest of the children is secondary to political and financial interests of psychologists, lawyers, judges and politicians. This court at least, has become a rogue organisation. When we met, she sobbed as she told me that her bitter advice to other women in similar situations was to ‘never leave your husband, no matter how abusive, because it puts you at risk of losing your children’. i agree with what you say but im amazed they published this post. Why not have feed back forms after hearings. The legal system is a minefield, before and after court, when the poor children have been snatched away! If a legal advisor (part of the court management) organises her own a private hearing which is not ordered by or overseen by any Judge or the Justices Clerk. A brief analysis will tell you that it does not, and to say that they are would be completely dishonest. Lawyers fees paid first. The adherence to any semblance of family or family values is the last thing you will find In the arena of this system where there are two sets of rules, the family has to follow one set. Twitter . The child is left in emotional turmoil with no tools to cope and no support. After the birth of her baby, social services had passed mother and child round various hospitals to ‘monitor her parenting skills’. “to degrade with unsound principles or moral values” – most certainly, especially where CAFCASS is concerned. The family justice system is certainly not perfect, but corrupt it ain’t. 3 letters from pension providers showing £18,173.76 withdrawn from my pension funds in order to purchase Matrimonial home Cafcass abusing children since 2001, judges condone pujury in courts and the child abuse…. The children were living with her, but he wanted a custody order in his favour. All absolutely everything I had to deny with solid evidences of video and photos officials documents and even providing that the corrupt judge who was managing my case he made as trues all the false allegations against me of the psychopath of my ex and mother of my daughter. Change is coming and they will be forced to accept it; there’s orders of magnitude more of us than them. During the course of the last twenty years or so I have, in company with others in related fields of employment, been responsible for putting not a few criminals where they belong. I understand that. There is no mention of PDs and they explicitly exclude knowledge of psychopathy being required (pg 20, sorry, this site won’t let me publish the reference but you can find it under “Psychologists as expert witnesses in the Family Courts in England and Wales: Standards, competencies and expectations”)! all for power and greed. It condemned family court judges for a ‘clandestine arrangement’ which meant that they simply rubber-stamped the demands of social workers without giving a fair hearing to the pleas of parents. their management usually back them up all the way. One case in point is that of Ayeeshia-Jayne Smith, the toddler who was stamped to death by her violent young mother in 2014. Nothing will change. That was more than thirty years ago. Hi , i am to see that i am not the only one in thinking about the family court been corrupt. Eventually they concluded that her child needed to be taken away. The time has come to hold Judges accountable for their corruption of the law. Are remote family courts really horribly cruel? Evolve. But nothing will change because the legal system is set up to prevent ordinary people from getting justice. Not a court in the world can allow Evidence entering in there courts in the name of a child that has never existed, A childs birth certified name cannot be changed by Local Authorities, this is identity theft, YET this is what happens in 99% of child care cases, to stop the truth, entering the light of day within the proceedings, covering up for other professionals wrong doings, birth brain damage and being sued for negligence, etc, the lawyers we entrust, the system we entrust all stacked against parental rights and rights of the child these lawyers have no fear of consequences of their actions, slaves to the devils work, May I also state There IS MORE than 1 definition of.. 3 independent valuations showing £35,000 equity in the jointly owned matrimonial home It seems like your only defence of the Family Courts being corrupt is the dictionary definition of the word. If the judgement was impartial then this should not be so. MY CASE. Given the nature of the court system, which gives judges and other court personnel great power over the civil and criminal matters of citizens, the potential for corruption exists. It’s a scam long since noted in the High Court. I am a former elected councilor with vast experience and have seen through it. Judges , solicitors, caffcass , dodgy coppers all singing of the same hym sheet and agenda. Its starting to resemble Bleak House. No fair hearings. He also said “The simple fact is that at present journalists can’t do that without access to the evidence and without reporting what went on in court and saying well, this judge seems to be listening to a different witness than I, and the impression I got from listening to this witness was X,Y,Z and the judge says A,B,C. I suspect that it is often said completely thoughtlessly, without the consideration of its implications, but that is no excuse for making such a serious allegation, against an entire group of people. Ted, you have to tell is: what is the psychopaths’ first choice of profession? Family Court Injustice is a blog whose mission is to tell the story of my family, who has been victimized by Family Court, in order to raise awareness, and expose abuse & corruption within the family court system. The divorce courts are a money making cartel and the rot goes right to the house of lords. 10 minutes later he called us both back and apologized but the recording device had not been switched on properly and that he needs to run over a summary of the case again but not to interrupt him. CAFCASS are institutionally corrupt. Discuss…. Its not going away. Instead, he did something else: he asked me whether we could bribe the judge to grant him custody of the children. I am not amazed at all. That hear say and acussation were believed. legalese has nothing to do with natural basic law maxims . But he wanted a custody order in his belief the courts are not then... 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