What should be the Christian’s attitude to secular The method and nature of salvation, A salvation based on the hope inspired by Christ’s resurrection   (1:3-5), A salvation secured through a faith deepened in trial (1:6-9), A salvation reported by the prophets who described its grace and glory (1:10-12), First preaching section (1:13-2:3). The terms “gentle” or “meek” and “quiet” present an inner attitude which is calm and able to endure graciously the impositions of a husband who may be overbearing. Author: 1 Peter 1:1 identifies the author of the Book of 1 Peter as the apostle Peter. [68]Stibbs, p. 144. jQuery("#footnote_plugin_tooltip_68").tooltip({ tip: "#footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_68", tipClass: "footnote_tooltip", effect: "fade", fadeOutSpeed: 100, predelay: 400, position: "top right", relative: true, offset: [10, 10] }); Those answers become the pledge of an individual to maintain a right moral attitude before God. Peter quotes Psa. Go To 1 Peter Index. Such love manifests itself in unlimited sacrifice for others. Conclusion (5:10-14). Peter was The gospel writers emphasize this fact by Christians must also avoid carelessness because their adversary Satan can overpower them (5:8, 9). The fact that both are joint heirs of God’s grace becomes an incentive to show this honor. God showed his longsuffering in these days by giving sinners time to repent. There was no uniform term for leaders of the churches in the first century, and those who exercised pastoral and administrative oversight in the churches were sometimes called elders and sometimes by other names. And we should praise God that we are Christians (1 Peter 4:12-19). 197-203, 314-362. jQuery("#footnote_plugin_tooltip_60").tooltip({ tip: "#footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_60", tipClass: "footnote_tooltip", effect: "fade", fadeOutSpeed: 100, predelay: 400, position: "top right", relative: true, offset: [10, 10] }); The phrase “by which” or “in whom,” which begins 3:19, refers to the state in which Christ did his preaching. In order to give you the best understanding of this text possible, I want to read it to you form several different versions of scripture. By patience and fortitude in suffering, by dependence on the promises of God, and keeping to the word the Holy Spirit hath revealed, the Holy Spirit is glorified; but by the contempt and reproaches cast upon believers, he is evil spoken of, and is blasphemed. To pay honor to the wife calls for courtesy particularly in the realm of sexual relations. That they should not think them strange, nor be surprised at them, as if some unexpected event befel them; for,(1.) The explanation of the salvation, 1 Peter 1:3b c. The nature of the salvation, 1 Peter 1:3c-4 ... 1 Peter 2:4-8 a. In the act of commitment implied in baptism the Christian has struggled with sin, experienced freedom from it, and ceased from it. They are also to have a mutual brotherly love and to be tenderhearted. not prevail against it.". Paul’s letters often conclude with a benediction wishing grace for the readers. A demand for holiness, A holiness demanded by God’s own character (1:13-16), A holiness demanded by the costly experience of Christ’s passion (1:17-21), A holiness expressed in genuine love responding to the gospel (1:22-25), A holiness expressed by the new life received from a gracious God (2:1-3), Second teaching section (2:4-10). Q4. The translation “courteous” could better be rendered as humble in spirit. In 1:5 Peter sees faith as the garrison which keeps the soul safe until the Lord comes and raises the siege. God is love. (John 13:3-5). Scriptures: 1 Peter 4:7. authorship arises from the rather classical style of Greek employed in the 1 Peter 4:12-13. And, he had special advice for the church leaders (1 Peter 5:1-4). See 1 Peter 4:8 (printed below) Above all else, maintain a fervent love for each other, because love covers a multitude of sins. Because of his unique prominence, there was no shortage in The conscience was a right attitude toward God from which a right attitude toward man emerged. Peter was there when John the Baptist called Jesus the Lamb of God. Purpose of Writing: 1 Peter is a letter from Peter to the believers who had been dispersed throughout the ancient world and were under intense persecution. Their culture, in a In 1 Peter 4:8 the apostle is talking about interpersonal relationships. Southwestern Journal of Theology Vol. fisherman, as well. They are encouraged to be glad because of their sharing in the glory of the Lord. Detail of Albrecht Dürer (1471-1528), 'St Peter and St John Healing the Cripple' (1513), engraving, 118 x 74 mm, Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. In 5:5-9 Peter encourages Christians to practice humility, and endurance. [76]Best, p. 166. jQuery("#footnote_plugin_tooltip_76").tooltip({ tip: "#footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_76", tipClass: "footnote_tooltip", effect: "fade", fadeOutSpeed: 100, predelay: 400, position: "top right", relative: true, offset: [10, 10] }); VII. the New Testament, though not highly educated, could read the Greek of the Old A description of the people of God, A living spiritual body serving God sacrificially (2:4-5), A building founded on Christ as the foundation stone (2:6-8), A chosen group reflecting the excellencies of their deliverer (2:9-10), Second preaching section (2:11-3:12).